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Smartphone Filmmaker

Only *10 STUDENT SPOTS* available with *TWO INSTRUCTORS!!*  

Rob Underhill is an *Award-Winning* professional filmmaker and video producer.

Elena Loeffler is an *Award-Winning* professional photographer.

Smartphone Filmmaker is a hands-on workshop designed for teens and pre-teens with any level of video making experience. Beginners will start making great videos on the same-day, and experienced video makers will take their skills to the next level!


Make dynamic, impactful, memorable videos that look and sound amazing using the tools of a professional filmmaker: composition, angles, movements, lighting, sound, editing, effects, design and much much more.


All you need to take this workshop is your own smartphone!


Smartphone Filmmaker empowers teens with the skills to tell stories and make great quality videos with their personal smartphone. Any video you make, whether it be a Vlog, YouTube or TikTok video, school or career video presentation, or telling the story of your family vacation, Smartphone Filmmaker is for you.


These core video making skills will benefit you for the rest of your professional and personal life.



June 19-20th, 2021 (Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM) *booked out

July 10-11th, 2021 (Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM) *4 spots left




$150 per student for two-day workshop.


Exclusive location in downtown Raleigh! TBA.



Elena Loeffler is an award-winning photographer and visual artist who specializes in portrait photography and in creating visual content for professional branding. Elena has lived and worked in Germany, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Brazil and now in the US and speaks five languages fluently. She has Masters Degrees in Political Science, Languages and Economics and has worked in the area of Executive Education, Corporate Strategy and Marketing. Her broad and deep intercultural experience and interdisciplinary knowledge has helped shape her creative style, and it has enabled her to develop a unique vision through the camera.

Rob Undehill Bio Pic-Sm-B (1).jpg

Rob is a film & media director, producer, editor, writer. His feature films & many short-films have received over 100 awards, showcased at over 200 screening engagements worldwide, including CANNES & Academy Award-qualifying film festivals like ST. LOUIS & SEATTLE. Rob's work has received rave reviews from top film critics, earned endorsements from major public figures like UN Ambassador Andrew Young & former NC Governor Beverly Perdue, & has been featured on the NPR programs, THE STATE OF THINGS with Frank Stasio & THE STORY with Dick Gordon. Rob earned a BA in English from NCSU & was featured speaker at the 2015 NCSU English department graduation commencement. His work has aired on the ASPiRE network, ShortsHD, African American Short Films & other national & international broadcast outlets. Carolina STYLE Magazine recognized Rob as one of 25 "Most Stylish People" influencing positive change in the Carolinas. He is a RAWards Indie Art Award recipient for Best Regional Filmmaker.

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